
that's it

that's it. he said he'd call, and it's been one week and where the fuck is he? somewhere. with his girl friends. with his bazillions of girl friends who look like sluts..just kidding. they're prettier, yeah, but come on..compared to me, they look like 30-year-olds with their full-face makeups they almost look like clowns; i mean, he gets discounts when he dates me -- 50% for under 12. i hate him. ass.

but seriously, i'm tired. no, exhausted, really. exhausted of waiting for mr.what'shisface to call my fucking ass up. exhausted of waiting for him to make the move, exhausted of thinking about what he thinks about me, of thinking about what i say to him should he call, of thinking about him, period. why the fuck are all men alike? first, they push, then, they leave. why the fuck do they think of women as toys?

and so i resolve never to trust men. ever. ok, rephrase: i will never trust cute men, because they lead to nowhere. and i promise myself to stay away from useless creatures with ugly facial hair who do nothing but watch tv and create havoc in the heart. (it fucking hurts.)

fuck you, mister! wait when i get prettier! haha. gosh, i sound so miserable.

anyways, may god delete all the cruel men in the world.

p.s. yes, ate magz, i mean him. it's his loss. haha.

laughing matter

Boy: papalita ra ko ug condom day.. kay igift nako sa akong uyab kay valentines man.
Saleslady: puston sir?
Boy: ayaw day kay mao nay akong iputos sa akong gift.


sun sun sun

watch simple life and you'll hear paris and nicole singing sun-su-su-sun-sun in squeaky little voices, trying to harmonize with each other. crazy biatches. but yup yup, sun is up! haha. so i will jog today. i will jog to the maximum limits cuz i've gained a huge amount of fats just pigging out the entire week.


battling battered cookery and boredom

i suck at cooking. needless to say, i try to feed my dad and sister with something edible as best as i can. yesterday, i cooked mechado and it was good, except that there was something awful on the beef part..i think i overcooked it or something.

um, what else.

i haven't read the news for the longest time, but i do know that proof, eminem's bestest friend, was killed from some shooting spree at las vegas. awww. eminem. he's facing divorce, now he's losing his best friend.

i cried last night watching a walk to remember. gosh, i realize how cheesy it is it's almost unrealistic. i mean it is unrealistic, dammit it's a movie but i think it's just too superficial. you know, mandy being innocent and all. but i hella cried for thirty minutes or so, though. alone. *sigh*

it's sunny today! haha! after three weeks of bad weather, at least the sun is peeking out a little!

our play will show next week saturday, and i'm nervous. don't have anything to wear yet for a fucking 5-year-old kid. gosh.

oh and i went to the mall last monday, and i saw this cute guy playing with his little brother. aaaawwwwwww. nothing attracts me more than a guy getting all messed up for a kid (as i am hoping that maybe, maybe he would do that to me. haha).


inside stuff about inside man

i loved the movie, and i've never seen a movie as smart, as exhilirating, and as craftly-made as this one. why? because everything just perfectly fits in that it doesn't leave the audience hanging. denzel washington is just pure comedy and action in his role. god, i swear he is the best actor out there right now (not to mention the hottest). some might not agree with me, but i swear it's a perfect movie that'd leave you on the brink of your seats until the very end, with all your questions answered.

warning: this is a spoiler.

anyway, as much as i would like to relay every perfect scene in the movie, i wouldn't think anyone would be interested with it. but the core of the movie is, the robbers rob from the bank something that the ceo of the company owns -- little diamonds, which this ceo stole from jewish families during the nazi era. now, the ceo did not record such existence of the diamonds, because he took it from the rich families who were taken to concentration camps. so, according to the police findings, nothing actually got lost. PLUS, these robbers' tactics was to harm no hostage. they used toy guns, for god sakes, and created a fake torture of a hostage shot to death to scare denzel and his crazy police squad team. and that's the only thing they stole. no money was ever touched. i mean, those "unregistered" diamonds probably cost a billion, considering 4 little minibags of them.

now how can four hostage takers with no guns force forty-plus individuals to block attack? well, they separed them to four rooms, and, so that hostages would not recognize the robbers, they took turns pretending to be hostages as well. except for the mastermind; he had his own room.

as the negotiator, denzel wanted to know the situation inside the bank, so he came in and took a look of the hostages.
denzel says: let's just cut this out. if you want, you can come out with me, and everything would all be the same shit.
mastermind robber says: i will come out walking right through that door when i'm ready.
denzel: oh yeah how are you going to do that?

when the police got in and attacked the building, three out of the four robbers pretended to be hostages, and no one could pinpoint the robbers because they pretended to be hostages before, remember? so yup. there goes. now what happened to the mastermind? he hid inside the building's basement in a small room with a shit hole for a week. inside man, get it? and when the bank was open again, and customers were in, and he felt ready to get out, he actually passed by denzel unrecognized. no one can pull that off except for the inside man.

so overall, i'd give it a 10/10. it's no bullshit, i promise.


a bush uprising

it's official: bush wants to conquer the world, together with the oil company that he owns. what fucking annoys me, however, is that even if our future is at stake, we don't don't know a thing about what's going on, and we don't care about it either.

i just want to clear things up a bit.
1. there has never been an issue about osama bin laden. if they were actually looking for him, fucking osama should have been found by now. the united states has the guts to attack a president in his own country, what about somebody without much protection in hiding? the reason why there are so many fucked up suicide bombing all over iraq is to keep america out of iraq, because america doesn't really care about iraqi civilians, what they care most are the resources. the government has enough to take care of in this equally ignorant state, so why would they get into tangle with iraq's radicals? the bitter thing about it is, we're losing. it's evident. we're losing time, and money ( oh yeah, and we don't have enough, by the way).

2. they knew about the september 9/11 attack. bullshit about "we were not informed ahead in the first place," because dick cheney was supposed to be in control of the situation but he fucking forgot where he put his pants on. bush's government knew about katrina, too, but what'd he do? nothing. at all. he's a retard who cares about self-interests, that's what. like all politicians are, and i mean both the democrats and republicans.

3. bush should be impeached for illegally transporting spywares on suspected al qaeda members. what the fuck is he trying to do? to show to everyone that people can do illegal stuff now, just as he can? and why is he trying to privatize social security? he wants the youth - that's right, our generation - to get what we earn for ourselves, so that by the time we turn 60+, we don't get no pension because we didn't save for it in the first place.

4. and if we don't have enough oil to run the whole oil-addicted country, then why wasn't other options promoted before? america has all the resources to start thinking up of a new kind of "gasoline," but why isn't the government paying attention to this? because he benefits from the oil companies' profits. why would he want to promote ethanol, when it could hurt his business? come to think about that.

bush simply would like to show just how he thinks he's a smart-ass for trying to lure america into believing that there are terrorists trying to attack the state when there are none. it's all about the money, baby, and believe it or not, he's getting it. do you just know how much one day at a war costs? $4 million. and who benefits from this? the companies, of course, who run the republican party (and the democratic, if you will. this fucking party, too, proposes more troops to attack iraq.) and at whose expense? the public's. everything is in jeopardy, and we're paying for it to protect our country from "unidentified" terrorists who, in truth, sit right there in the white house.

it's funny how all the youth want bush to step down, and yet we are not doing anything about it at all. we don't vote, we don't read the news, we don't even know what the fuck is happening between iraq, iran, and god knows what else this imperialistic government is into.

are we only up to the jokes that the internet creates on bush, how his face changes like a retard when nubbed with a mouse? i mean, come on. we are dealing with an economic crisis here that will affect our future and the world's, and here we are, doing exactly nothing about it.

we will pay for this. sooner or later. trust me.


dying for those little slices of death

sleep - those little slices of death, how i loathe them. a little sleep quote by edgar allan poe. sorry, mr. poe, i think i'd like to disagree with you - i think i need to sleep so bad that any dose to numb the mind would do. but overall, i do like mr. poe. i used to read the tell-tale heart so many times before, just to figure out if there is more to the literal meaning of the story. how i fucking adored imagining hearing a beating heart somewhere. seriously, wouldn't that be gorgeous to hear on 12sumsum at midnight when you can't sleep at all, and you would go wickedly crazy because no one could actually hear it but yourself? i mean, at this point of distress, i'd rather be scared than be bored; at least in fear, there's intensity, instead of just lying around waiting for sleep to invade.

i heard a car screech about a minute ago. fucking teenagers kill themselves on the road all the time.

my super sweet sixteen

it's another mtv-based reality, pure bs show. damn.. why are rich-kids' shows selling like pancakes these days? first, all they do is to whine about how "terrible" their lives are because they got a fucking bmw car instead of a ferrari and shit. second, they say their birthday parties are the hottest ever, and that no one can beat that, but come to think of it.. all of them are fucking the same. everytime i watch my super sweet 16, i'm drawn to think about the kids in sierra leone who don't have electricity right at their very homes, where they walk a hundred miles to find water, where children could not surpass the age of five because they die of aids, or malaria, or the very basic illnesses that any first world country could easily cure.

so yeah, my super sweet sixteen.
i like the show, though, cuz it's cute and funny.
especially cindy's. her mom cracks me up all the time.
see? i'm not jealous.