
inside stuff about inside man

i loved the movie, and i've never seen a movie as smart, as exhilirating, and as craftly-made as this one. why? because everything just perfectly fits in that it doesn't leave the audience hanging. denzel washington is just pure comedy and action in his role. god, i swear he is the best actor out there right now (not to mention the hottest). some might not agree with me, but i swear it's a perfect movie that'd leave you on the brink of your seats until the very end, with all your questions answered.

warning: this is a spoiler.

anyway, as much as i would like to relay every perfect scene in the movie, i wouldn't think anyone would be interested with it. but the core of the movie is, the robbers rob from the bank something that the ceo of the company owns -- little diamonds, which this ceo stole from jewish families during the nazi era. now, the ceo did not record such existence of the diamonds, because he took it from the rich families who were taken to concentration camps. so, according to the police findings, nothing actually got lost. PLUS, these robbers' tactics was to harm no hostage. they used toy guns, for god sakes, and created a fake torture of a hostage shot to death to scare denzel and his crazy police squad team. and that's the only thing they stole. no money was ever touched. i mean, those "unregistered" diamonds probably cost a billion, considering 4 little minibags of them.

now how can four hostage takers with no guns force forty-plus individuals to block attack? well, they separed them to four rooms, and, so that hostages would not recognize the robbers, they took turns pretending to be hostages as well. except for the mastermind; he had his own room.

as the negotiator, denzel wanted to know the situation inside the bank, so he came in and took a look of the hostages.
denzel says: let's just cut this out. if you want, you can come out with me, and everything would all be the same shit.
mastermind robber says: i will come out walking right through that door when i'm ready.
denzel: oh yeah how are you going to do that?

when the police got in and attacked the building, three out of the four robbers pretended to be hostages, and no one could pinpoint the robbers because they pretended to be hostages before, remember? so yup. there goes. now what happened to the mastermind? he hid inside the building's basement in a small room with a shit hole for a week. inside man, get it? and when the bank was open again, and customers were in, and he felt ready to get out, he actually passed by denzel unrecognized. no one can pull that off except for the inside man.

so overall, i'd give it a 10/10. it's no bullshit, i promise.


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