
my super sweet sixteen

it's another mtv-based reality, pure bs show. damn.. why are rich-kids' shows selling like pancakes these days? first, all they do is to whine about how "terrible" their lives are because they got a fucking bmw car instead of a ferrari and shit. second, they say their birthday parties are the hottest ever, and that no one can beat that, but come to think of it.. all of them are fucking the same. everytime i watch my super sweet 16, i'm drawn to think about the kids in sierra leone who don't have electricity right at their very homes, where they walk a hundred miles to find water, where children could not surpass the age of five because they die of aids, or malaria, or the very basic illnesses that any first world country could easily cure.

so yeah, my super sweet sixteen.
i like the show, though, cuz it's cute and funny.
especially cindy's. her mom cracks me up all the time.
see? i'm not jealous.