

one of the first things i ask of people is what books they have read, because i seem to have a bit of enough to say about that area. i have not, however very unfortunately, met someone enjoying the same kinds of books that i do; or maybe i did, but they just didn't have the passion for checking their grammar mistakes and correcting them, or they don't enjoy politics, or they actually like supernatural movies, or they haven't seen donnie darko, or they just don't enjoy my list of rock bands like straylight run or the old green day, or they don't understand why the little prince makes me cry, or or or.

i have not met someone in those, erm, criteria, who could throw in a "me, too!" to some odd little things that define me. except, of course, mark.

here's to the only person i actually felt i could relate to, whose friendship i carelessly put out in a garbage bin because i thought it was very wrong to like a friend more than what's expected.

hey shim. i actually miss you, you know!Ü call me!


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